Thursday, November 09, 2006

Project of final-ness tools.

Okay... So I had an interview with CurrentTV a few weeks back... And while talking to one of the associate producers, a few ideas popped into my head (concerning my final project.) The producer challenged me to give him 3 pitches for 'pods' that I would like to begin working on.
I did so, to the best of my ability, and he seemed rather pleased...
Here were my ideas...
- Metal, what is the stereotype? And why (or is it even)perpetuating destructive behaviour within the Metal scene? -I live with THEE ultimate metal head, and despite his natural born antagonistic qualities, he's one of the chillest guys ever.
- Graffiti/Culutre jamming/Dialouges in public: I want to explore the various 'pieces' in the bay area... Are they used simply for 'gettign up', mocking an advertisement, or delivering a strong social messege? Who are these artits, why are they writing on our walls, and how did it all begin (for them.)
-Slanguage: Words of the Week-esque... I want to provide a weekly series on new (regional) slang/dialect. This pitch really sparked a fire. If I can start with a weekly series (video blog) on slang/dialect... and overtime devlop a dtabase (Slang-tionary), with the etymology of where it all began, and where it is now... I could devlop a rather large community.

So, I'm going to take the idea of "words of the week", and run with it..
Here are the tools that I anticipate on using:
Also, I am going to begin devloping various online groups revolving around all that slanguage. By having a homepage (the video blog of sorts)... i hope to genrate a 'buzz' in these online 'Slanguage groups' that will in turn give me leads to the newest and hottest slang out there.

Various Sites in which I shall infiltrate with my slang:

Now, one might anticipate various amounts of confusion while facilitating all these sites... Well, hoefully I'll be able to generate soem moderators, or just go with the group that blows up (with members) first.

Also, I'm going to need some hardware:
  • Pen and paper (best brainstorming devices, ever)
  • A video camera (maybe grant can hook it up... or I can use my webcam)
  • an accessible FTP server (got it! thank god for
  • Video Editing Software (I need to get a copy for my home cpu, but until then , I cn upload my video to my FTP server, downlaod it at school, and edit here)
  • Texts (Dictionarys, theasaurs, Etymology manuals, Slanguage Books, etc..)
  • An awesome map ( I'm start off with an American map...)

Now for all the misc. tools I'll need:
  • a crew/production assistants (time to rally the troops!)
  • a logo/graphic/insignia (photoshop, here i come!)
  • a binder (to organize ideas, potentila words of the week, references, logs, etc..)
  • motivation, and lots of it.

Here I go, AGAIN.

1 comment:

Play Blackjack said...

Thanks for the help in this question. I did not know it.