Wednesday, September 20, 2006


That's right, I Turned 21 on Monday.
The Niner's Won on Sunday.
I had an awesome birthday party on Saturday.
And, I got hyphy at the double kegger on Friday.

So, after a gnarly ass weekend, you might ask... "but Allen, what did you do on Monday, the day of tyour 21st birthday?"
I went for an epic skate down to the beach. (I recommend starting at 19th and Ulloa, and weaving your way down.... after switching ipods with your buddy, and smoking a bowl) *long suggestion huh?*

My cutty ass cousins are crusing down from Reno this weekend, and we're gonna do the dummy retared and ride the yellow bus (I'll be sure to take pictures.)

Can you dig it?
I can.
But you know what I can't dig?

... Last night I went to buy beer for my first time (legally), and the mofo's didn't even card me.
Fuck you murphy's law.



Brandon said...

hahaha. yeah, fuckin' Murphy's Law. That happened with me. All I wanted was to be carded on my 21st as well.
No, I bought beer without needing any i.d. damnit! But the very next day I was carded and the dumb ass didn't even think it was real.

Now you can enjoy the city to it's fullest.
I'd recommend a few:

Trailer food, Tater tots, Tall cans, twinkies, spinning Dj's, and tripped out movie projections on the walls at Butter!

The Hemlock on Polk and Post

And of course, nothing better than Dub Mission on Sundays at
The Elbo Room

~Hey, you can even drink at the campus pub. Now that's about as cool as it gets.
Hell ya! Happy Birthday dawg

fictiondc said...

Congrats on turning 21, it's all downhill from here, aways being broke cause you buy drinks with every meal, and 60 dollar bar bills a few nights a week, hope you ave a good job. HAHA. Anyways, enjoy the city now that your of age. By the way is Ulloa any good to bomb? I usually start at the top of Rivera cause its all paved.

Rio said...

congratulations on the birthday its always best to do your 21st up right as it is the last birthday with any really meaning for a long time. I went to Miami and my birthday also happens to be on new years eve so you can imagine what fun it was in south was a lot if you cant imagine. if you ever get to miami i definately recommend gettying stupid at the The clevelander followed by a burger from Johnny Rockets