So, i've got my very first design up for my splash page .
(i also just bought the domain,*
*the masking/forwarding is still in process so use the splash page link
After hearing Josh speak in class today, I'm starting to see the path in which I want to take my project. I still want to create a database of slang for viewers to refer to... However, I'd like to cover events, lifestyles, music, and parties within the SF Bay Area Region. Eventually I'd like to have "teams" around the region covering various events, but with BluePrintsSF "guidelines".
Time to brainstorm, and contact from old friends from young years.
wish me luck,
por favor
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Interactive Fiction
My brief interactive fiction site can be found here.
I JUST downloaded Dreamweaver 8.0.
It's an amazing web authoring program, and It's a big step up from version 5.0 (which I've been using for the past 5 years)... I'm really excited to check out all of it's new features!
I JUST downloaded Dreamweaver 8.0.
It's an amazing web authoring program, and It's a big step up from version 5.0 (which I've been using for the past 5 years)... I'm really excited to check out all of it's new features!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Interactive Fiction Exploration Style-e
Character: 21 year old man. 6'0", 200 lbs, skate shoes,baggy pants, collared long sleeve button up shirt, head phones, and a skull cap.
Setting: United States, California, SF, BUS Stop, 19th and Taraval, cold and foggy day.
- As you walk around the corner from Taraval to 19th Ave, you check the bus stop to see how many people are waiting for the 28 bus. You see 3 people huddled around the bus stop, peering southbound down 19th ave, attempting to catch a glimpse of the next bus arrival.
Your leg is in tremendous pain from an epic fall you endured while skating the day before.
Your body is begging you to take a seat, and rest your leg... Your mind is beginning to ponder whether or not (a)you want to sit in between the rancid derelict and the cute brunette on the bus stop bench, or (b) suck it up and lean against the brick wall until the bus arrives...
(a) You approach the bench, to cop a squat, and the derelict snarls at you. You immediately advert your eyes to the cute brunette, you briefly lock eyes, and almost as soon as your eyes have lock, you advert them again with insecurity rushing through your body. You're nervous, you want to (c) break the ice, and say hi to the cute brunette, but you'd almost rather (d) just smile and play with your cell phone.
(b) You slowly lean up against the wall, to avoid any interaction with that mangy hobo. As you finish propping yourself up against the wall, you noticed that you just stepped in a huge, wet, and gooey wad of gum. The cute brunette smiles at you during your moment of misfortune, you're feeling inclined to (e) smile back and give her a witty response. However, you're in so much pain you just might want to (f) belligerently curse at your unwanted misfortunes, in order to relive some of that tension the pain has built up inside of you.
Setting: United States, California, SF, BUS Stop, 19th and Taraval, cold and foggy day.
- As you walk around the corner from Taraval to 19th Ave, you check the bus stop to see how many people are waiting for the 28 bus. You see 3 people huddled around the bus stop, peering southbound down 19th ave, attempting to catch a glimpse of the next bus arrival.
Your leg is in tremendous pain from an epic fall you endured while skating the day before.
Your body is begging you to take a seat, and rest your leg... Your mind is beginning to ponder whether or not (a)you want to sit in between the rancid derelict and the cute brunette on the bus stop bench, or (b) suck it up and lean against the brick wall until the bus arrives...
(a) You approach the bench, to cop a squat, and the derelict snarls at you. You immediately advert your eyes to the cute brunette, you briefly lock eyes, and almost as soon as your eyes have lock, you advert them again with insecurity rushing through your body. You're nervous, you want to (c) break the ice, and say hi to the cute brunette, but you'd almost rather (d) just smile and play with your cell phone.
(b) You slowly lean up against the wall, to avoid any interaction with that mangy hobo. As you finish propping yourself up against the wall, you noticed that you just stepped in a huge, wet, and gooey wad of gum. The cute brunette smiles at you during your moment of misfortune, you're feeling inclined to (e) smile back and give her a witty response. However, you're in so much pain you just might want to (f) belligerently curse at your unwanted misfortunes, in order to relive some of that tension the pain has built up inside of you.
Project of final-ness tools.
Okay... So I had an interview with CurrentTV a few weeks back... And while talking to one of the associate producers, a few ideas popped into my head (concerning my final project.) The producer challenged me to give him 3 pitches for 'pods' that I would like to begin working on.
I did so, to the best of my ability, and he seemed rather pleased...
Here were my ideas...
- Metal, what is the stereotype? And why (or is it even)perpetuating destructive behaviour within the Metal scene? -I live with THEE ultimate metal head, and despite his natural born antagonistic qualities, he's one of the chillest guys ever.
- Graffiti/Culutre jamming/Dialouges in public: I want to explore the various 'pieces' in the bay area... Are they used simply for 'gettign up', mocking an advertisement, or delivering a strong social messege? Who are these artits, why are they writing on our walls, and how did it all begin (for them.)
-Slanguage: Words of the Week-esque... I want to provide a weekly series on new (regional) slang/dialect. This pitch really sparked a fire. If I can start with a weekly series (video blog) on slang/dialect... and overtime devlop a dtabase (Slang-tionary), with the etymology of where it all began, and where it is now... I could devlop a rather large community.
So, I'm going to take the idea of "words of the week", and run with it..
Here are the tools that I anticipate on using:
Also, I am going to begin devloping various online groups revolving around all that slanguage. By having a homepage (the video blog of sorts)... i hope to genrate a 'buzz' in these online 'Slanguage groups' that will in turn give me leads to the newest and hottest slang out there.
Various Sites in which I shall infiltrate with my slang:
Also, I'm going to need some hardware:
Now for all the misc. tools I'll need:
Here I go, AGAIN.
I did so, to the best of my ability, and he seemed rather pleased...
Here were my ideas...
- Metal, what is the stereotype? And why (or is it even)perpetuating destructive behaviour within the Metal scene? -I live with THEE ultimate metal head, and despite his natural born antagonistic qualities, he's one of the chillest guys ever.
- Graffiti/Culutre jamming/Dialouges in public: I want to explore the various 'pieces' in the bay area... Are they used simply for 'gettign up', mocking an advertisement, or delivering a strong social messege? Who are these artits, why are they writing on our walls, and how did it all begin (for them.)
-Slanguage: Words of the Week-esque... I want to provide a weekly series on new (regional) slang/dialect. This pitch really sparked a fire. If I can start with a weekly series (video blog) on slang/dialect... and overtime devlop a dtabase (Slang-tionary), with the etymology of where it all began, and where it is now... I could devlop a rather large community.
So, I'm going to take the idea of "words of the week", and run with it..
Here are the tools that I anticipate on using:
Also, I am going to begin devloping various online groups revolving around all that slanguage. By having a homepage (the video blog of sorts)... i hope to genrate a 'buzz' in these online 'Slanguage groups' that will in turn give me leads to the newest and hottest slang out there.
Various Sites in which I shall infiltrate with my slang:
- Tribe
- Myspace Groups
- Suicide Girls Groups (must be a paid member in order to view groups)
- Yahoo Groups
- MSN Groups
Also, I'm going to need some hardware:
- Pen and paper (best brainstorming devices, ever)
- A video camera (maybe grant can hook it up... or I can use my webcam)
- an accessible FTP server (got it! thank god for
- Video Editing Software (I need to get a copy for my home cpu, but until then , I cn upload my video to my FTP server, downlaod it at school, and edit here)
- Texts (Dictionarys, theasaurs, Etymology manuals, Slanguage Books, etc..)
- An awesome map ( I'm start off with an American map...)
Now for all the misc. tools I'll need:
- a crew/production assistants (time to rally the troops!)
- a logo/graphic/insignia (photoshop, here i come!)
- a binder (to organize ideas, potentila words of the week, references, logs, etc..)
- motivation, and lots of it.
Here I go, AGAIN.
Techonorati and
i am attempting to get back up to speed wiht this class. My bronchitis, ear infections, poverty and depression have seem to get the best of me for the last month.... DAMNIT! Okay, now that all my ailements have been damned, lets get this show on the road!
Technorati Profile
Technorati Profile
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I just invented the a cheap, delcious and effective Margarita.
It goes a lil somthin like this:

-Pour 3/4 of a glass of the Tampico (which is on sale @ safeway *2 for $3*)
-Add 2 cap fulls(the thing on top of the bottle of Suaza) of Hornitos to the glass.
-Stir and sip
//I also reccommend eating
with your Ghetto-Rita
It goes a lil somthin like this:
-Pour 3/4 of a glass of the Tampico (which is on sale @ safeway *2 for $3*)
-Add 2 cap fulls(the thing on top of the bottle of Suaza) of Hornitos to the glass.
-Stir and sip
//I also reccommend eating
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
This world is hopeless, but I love it anyways.
My sophmore year english teacher just found me on myspace ...
And the first thing he did, was send me an assignment that I wrote for his class, back in 2002.
It goes a lil' somthin' liek this:
People Watching: Not Just Voyeurism
By A. Walker, 5/19/02
I was exhausted from walking around all day. In spite of the fact that my last name is "Walker", I was dead tired. It was a Saturday; I woke up at 7 that morning. I usually wake up around noon on Saturdays. I had to wake up; it was the second day of the Ohlone Drama competitions, which meant I would find out if I made finals that afternoon. Eventually, I found out that I didn't make finals. By that time, I was very hot and bothered. I found a nice bench to sit at on top of a hill. I began to zone out, and just people watch.
I squatted on that bench, sighing in relief. I gently blinked my eyes. Then my mind just cleared. I let my eyes focus on the people strolling by in front of me. My attention wandered to the boys playing catch in the lawn area. I was overwhelmed with an omniscient feeling. My mind was slipping into another world. I began to see things quite differently.
Sitting on that bench, I was elevated about one hundred feet from the world. People looked like ants milling around. The sight was almost humorous. It was if I was peering down from the heavens, and watching the world evolve. Time melted away like the wax of a candle after the wick burnt its way down. I had tunnel vision. I forgot about everything. The light became brighter, and everything else faded. The people hypnotized me.
I fell into a new realization. I saw that everything that we do can just go unnoticed for all eternity. Unless we gather as one, we won't be recognized. Sure, I noticed individuals. They were seen but not recognized. If I saw that person again, I wouldn't remember them, unless they did and had something that set them apart from everyone else. That thought triggered something else in my mind.
I had a mysterious revelation. I've heard before from others, but it has never sunk in until that moment. High school is a time when everyone tries to figure out who they are. During this phase, you notice what people will be like the rest of their life. People's true character shines the brightest during this epoch of life. However, there are some people that never develop any character, and remain childish throughout life. My mind boggled these awkward thoughts like a drunken ambles through an alley.
After I finished dwelling on those thoughts, I became aware of myself. My routine, does it appear just to be milling around. I noticed my beaten paths. I began to question myself. "What do I do that sets me apart from everyone else?" More questions popped up in my head, until it was clouded and I couldn't think straight. I was confused and scared, then, BOOM!
It all went away, I saw things peripherally again. I heard my girlfriend talking to me, and I responded with a, "huh? What's up?" I didn't mention anything of my day dreaming. I kept it to myself. My little gift. Every so often it comes back to me. I get my sight back. I see this "sight", as a kick back into reality. It shows me what is really going wrong.
Life is simple. We get so caught up in our personal worlds that we lose track of where we are. Our habitat closes our mind. It is only when we look down at our habitat that we can realize what's going on. One can understand himself and the world just by people watching.
can you dig it?
i can.
And the first thing he did, was send me an assignment that I wrote for his class, back in 2002.
It goes a lil' somthin' liek this:
People Watching: Not Just Voyeurism
By A. Walker, 5/19/02
I was exhausted from walking around all day. In spite of the fact that my last name is "Walker", I was dead tired. It was a Saturday; I woke up at 7 that morning. I usually wake up around noon on Saturdays. I had to wake up; it was the second day of the Ohlone Drama competitions, which meant I would find out if I made finals that afternoon. Eventually, I found out that I didn't make finals. By that time, I was very hot and bothered. I found a nice bench to sit at on top of a hill. I began to zone out, and just people watch.
I squatted on that bench, sighing in relief. I gently blinked my eyes. Then my mind just cleared. I let my eyes focus on the people strolling by in front of me. My attention wandered to the boys playing catch in the lawn area. I was overwhelmed with an omniscient feeling. My mind was slipping into another world. I began to see things quite differently.
Sitting on that bench, I was elevated about one hundred feet from the world. People looked like ants milling around. The sight was almost humorous. It was if I was peering down from the heavens, and watching the world evolve. Time melted away like the wax of a candle after the wick burnt its way down. I had tunnel vision. I forgot about everything. The light became brighter, and everything else faded. The people hypnotized me.
I fell into a new realization. I saw that everything that we do can just go unnoticed for all eternity. Unless we gather as one, we won't be recognized. Sure, I noticed individuals. They were seen but not recognized. If I saw that person again, I wouldn't remember them, unless they did and had something that set them apart from everyone else. That thought triggered something else in my mind.
I had a mysterious revelation. I've heard before from others, but it has never sunk in until that moment. High school is a time when everyone tries to figure out who they are. During this phase, you notice what people will be like the rest of their life. People's true character shines the brightest during this epoch of life. However, there are some people that never develop any character, and remain childish throughout life. My mind boggled these awkward thoughts like a drunken ambles through an alley.
After I finished dwelling on those thoughts, I became aware of myself. My routine, does it appear just to be milling around. I noticed my beaten paths. I began to question myself. "What do I do that sets me apart from everyone else?" More questions popped up in my head, until it was clouded and I couldn't think straight. I was confused and scared, then, BOOM!
It all went away, I saw things peripherally again. I heard my girlfriend talking to me, and I responded with a, "huh? What's up?" I didn't mention anything of my day dreaming. I kept it to myself. My little gift. Every so often it comes back to me. I get my sight back. I see this "sight", as a kick back into reality. It shows me what is really going wrong.
Life is simple. We get so caught up in our personal worlds that we lose track of where we are. Our habitat closes our mind. It is only when we look down at our habitat that we can realize what's going on. One can understand himself and the world just by people watching.
can you dig it?
i can.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
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